Sessions and Booking
Session A
Profile of your Level of Consciousness
with Mentorship
A profile of your Level of Consciousness can be obtained using Kinesiology Testing to provide an idea of where you are at on your Soul Journey and where you can focus your time and energy to best work through to the next level. A discussion of where to start, what to look for, what is important and what is not.
Free Sacred Geometry Activation
30 minutes
$105 USD
Session C
Light Body Clearing and Harmonization
Comprehensive Assessment of Each of Your 12 Chakras including energy flow through the Lower Bodies assessed with guidance from my Higher Self and Healing Guides. This assessment will uncover areas of energetic imbalance creating health issues within the 4 Lower Bodies: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual.
1 .5 Hours $155 USD
Recording Provided
Section E
Sacred Geometry Activation
Sacred Geometry is the natural foundation of reality, of all existence. This geometry becomes distorted through the incarnation experience. This session will re-align it to its original perfection, offering a natural healing on so many levels.
Free with One Other Sacred Activation
45 minutes
Recording Provided
Session G
For the Children
Sacred Activations TM
in Support of The Children
From a Physical, Emotional, Mental and Psychological Perspective
20 Minutes Duration
By Donation
Session B
Personal Clearing through Direct Connection with Source Energy
Source Light/Energy brings you into alignment with your Soul and offers clearing, healing and rebalancing of the 7 Chakra System and the Four Lower Bodies: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Bodies; while also clearing your Light Body.
45 Minutes
$125 USD
Recording Provided
Session D
Custom Clearing of Unsupportive Beliefs with Sacred Activations
Our lives are a product of Subconscious Beliefs: Often beliefs are not examined closely enough to determine that they are unsupportive: Let's explore areas of your life that may need clarification such as Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Health, Relationships including Soulmates, Prosperity and Wealth, Happiness, Inner Power, Cosmic Alignment, and so much more!
Includes One Free Sacred Geometry Activation
Write and share what interests you!
1 Hour Duration
$125 USD
Recording Provided
Session F
​Multiverse Blueprint
​This incredible transmission brings your awareness and vibrational state to levels beyond your expectations. This will create a significant upgrade in your knowledge, understanding and abilities. A Sacred Activation TM
TWO - One Hour Sessions, Separate Days