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Welcome to my Website!

I am a conduit of pure Source Energy
I transmit Divine Light and Love through the sacred connection I have with my Higher Self, my Guides, and the Source Of All-That-Is;

I also work with a specialized team of Galactics:
Arcturian and Andromedan,
who bring the powerful gift of restoring damaged DNA
to its Original Divine Human Blueprint, as well as other incredibly powerful tools;

Pure Source Energy supports you in aligning with the truth of who you are;
in aligning with your divinity; 

We have come to this realm as divine beings, to expand our awareness and gain an
understanding of reality and our place in the Creation; 

As we integrate each life experience we reach new heights in frequency, bringing us to a new level of consciousness and inner power;

In this way we begin to recognize our inner purity and natural connection to the Divine; and gain a deeper understanding of the truth of our own souls;

Our soul journey means we are incorporating high frequency LIGHT into the
4 Lower Bodies, creating symptoms
such as dizziness, ringing in the ears, fatigue, sleeplessness, headaches, loss of appetite, and feeling ungrounded;

My skill in mitigating these symptoms lies in my connection to the Source
of All-That-Is, the energy that will refine your fields and support the flow and integration of this light; and I am very happy to teach this skill to you;
If this resonates with you, I invite you to the Sessions, Testimonials and Booking page or 
feel free to write to me at this link:  to learn whether this is something you might like to explore 



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